On Sat, 8 Feb 2014, at 12:19, James Greene wrote:
> There are certain situations where sync XHRs are, in fact, required...
> unless we make other accommodations. For example, in the Clipboard API,
> developers are allowed to inject into the clipboard as a semi-trusted
> event
> during the event handling phase of certain user-initiated events (e.g.
> `click`).[1]  This has not yet been implemented in any browsers yet.
> However, if browser vendors choose to treat this scenario as it is
> treated
> for Flash clipboard injection, then the semi-trusted state ends after the
> default action for that event would occur.[2]
> For Flash clipboard injection, this means that any required "on-demand"
> XHRs must be resolved synchronously. For the DOM Clipboard API, it would
> be
> nice to either still be able to use sync XHRs or else we would need to
> specially authorize async XHRs that are started during the semi-trusted
> state to have their completion handlers also still resolve/execute in a
> semi-trusted state.

Couldn't the semi-trusted state be kept for any promise created while
the semi-trusted is set? In other words, promises could keep the
semi-trusted state along the chaining. Though, as Olli said, this is
something the Clipboard API specification should fix.

-- Mounir

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