Hi Domenic,

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 2:07 PM, Domenic Denicola <
dome...@domenicdenicola.com> wrote:

>  Hi everyone,
> The TAG recently spent some time looking at the current Quota API draft at
> [1], based on some early discussions between Alex and Kinuko. We believe
> that the topic of quotas and storage management has important architectural
> implications for expanding the capabilities of the web platform. It’s
> important for us to provide a cohesive story in this regard, for
> integration with user agents that seek to provide native app parity. As
> such we are keen to see a workable and useful solution come out of the
> quota API.
> We’ve assembled our feedback into a writeup, available at
> https://github.com/w3ctag/spec-reviews/blob/master/2014/02/quota-management-api.md
> The most important part of this feedback is a call for rethinking the use
> cases and requirements being presented here. As-is, the API does not
> satisfy many compelling use cases, or provide future extensibility. The
> writeup expands on this critique, and gives some examples of potential use
> cases, requirements, and constraints that we imagine would make sense for
> the quota API. We hope this can start a discussion on how best to approach
> the problem, and evolve the API in a direction that solves those problems.
> We would love to work with the editor and other members of the working
> group on this, as we’re optimistic about the potential of this API, if not
> its current manifestation.

Thanks for the extensive feedback, it's really useful to move things
forward.  Some of them sound familiar, and some were excluded from the last
spec update partly because I wasn't able to come up with a good storage
model that is extensible and also understandable.  (And I admit that
current spec's failing to spot some of these points)
I do love to work with you and others in the group to improve it.  I'll
take a closer look at the feedback and will get back with responses or set
up a new discussion thread (if no one beats me).

Secondarily, there is a series of minor critiques on idiomatic JavaScript
> usage that we hope can prove useful for spec writers. We’ll likely be
> consolidating those into a separate guidance document for more general use,
> but the quota API provided a good concrete case study for getting us
> started.

This is very useful too, and they can be certainly addressed relatively

>  Thanks for your time and consideration,
> The TAG
> [1]: https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/quota/raw-file/tip/Overview.html

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