Hi Eduardo, all,

On Tue, 29 Apr 2014 11:00:15 +0200, EDUARDO FULLEA CARRERA <e...@tid.es> wrote:

Hi all,

Last week the Push API editors (AT&T, Telefónica) and other interested parties (Mozilla, Google) met to progress this specification.

Just a gentle reminder that if you are having a meeting there needs to be an announcement of it. I don't want to stop people doing work - obviously, we encourage that happening and applaud members who take initiative to get things done.

But there is a process requirement, that you and your employer agreed to when joining the group. It isn't just a quid pro quo for the rest of us agreeing to go through a PAG if necessary. It is also based on an important legal requirement that standards be developed according to a fair process, to avoid being construed as engaging in anti-competitive or cartel behaviour.

And of course it is good manners.

As a quick reminder, the general notice times required are 1 week for a "distributed" telephone meeting (unless it is a regularly scheduled meeting) and 8 weeks for a physical meeting.

If you want to organise a meeting for a particular topic the chairs and staff contacts will be very happy to help, both to make sure we meet the process requirements and with any necessary logistics. The notice period is the only one likely to have any real impact, and there is a way to approve shorter notice if it is really necessary.

But I would ask people who want to organise a get-together that they provide the notice required by the Process, to ensure that "interested parties" in the working group have a fair opportunity to attend.



Charles McCathie Nevile - Consultant (web standards) CTO Office, Yandex
      cha...@yandex-team.ru         Find more at http://yandex.com

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