On Tue, May 20, 2014 at 2:24 PM, Jonas Sicking <jo...@sicking.cc> wrote:

> Yes, we could demand that that implementations generate unguessable
UUIDs. And then define that a page from http://a.com can use <img
> src="blob:http://b.com/uuid";>, but if it then used that element to
> drawImage into a <canvas>, that the canvas would get tainted.
> But there appears to be very little utility of doing this. Rather than
> spending time implementing an unguessable UUID generator, and then
> worrying that someone would still accidentally pass a blob: URL where
> they shouldn't, I'd rather implement a way to generate a blob: URL
> which is explicitly usable cross-origin. But in <img> and in XHR. I.e.
> a Blob URL which responds with CORS headers.

It'd be a lot better for blob URLs to act like other resources: either full
access (same origin or CORS cross-origin) or limited access cross-origin
(usable but taints canvas, can't be read with XHR, etc.) than to block them
entirely cross-origin.

Generating unguessable tokens (including version 4 UUIDs) is so easy to do
that it doesn't make sense to limit the API based on this.

Glenn Maynard

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