On 7/9/14 4:15 PM, Arthur Barstow wrote:
[ Bcc: public-pointer-events ]

FYI, Robin reports the availability of minutes from the September 11 EWS in Berlin:

as you may know, last week the second edition of the "Extensible Web Summit" took place in Berlin. It was fun an interesting.

The EWS is an unconference and so the topics were quite varied. Several of them are very much related to HTML, but I won't presume of what you're interested in and will simply link to the whole thing. Every session was minuted. You can head to the entry point here:


It contains some notes about the intro session, but more importantly if you scroll through you will find links to the minutes for every single other session, with helpful summaries.

Please note that it mentions "specs.webplatform.org". That web site is in the process of being produced and isn't ready yet. I'll announce it here when it is.


-Thanks Robin!

On 7/8/14 6:50 PM, Coralie Mercier wrote:
... to continue the energy of the Extensible Web Summit in San Francisco [1], W3C is helping to organize the Extensible Web Summit on September 11, 2014, in Berlin, Germany.

The summit is designed to bring in platform developers, framework developers and web developers with an interest in helping to drive the future of the web platform. If you're interested in the future of HTML, be sure to be there.

Dan Appelquist, with the help of the W3C Technical Architecture Group, will act as Chair for this Summit. The event will follow an unconference style format with 2 parallel tracks (with the possibility of doing 3 tracks if desired).

The summit will occur along side of the JSFEST.BERLIN week of events. The event will be hosted by Beuth University with the help of the W3C German Office, DFKI. Lunch sponsorship will be provided by Google.

If you have any questions, please contact Dan Appelquist <daniel.appelqu...@telefonica.com>.

Learn more about how to participate on the Summit site:

Dan Appelquist, Co-Chair of the W3C TAG,
Philippe Le Hegaret, W3C Staff,
Coralie Mercier, W3C Communications

[1] http://www.w3.org/blog/TAG/2014/04/17/the-extensible-web-summit-roundup/
[2] http://jsfest.berlin/

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