On 9/10/14 10:17 AM, Arthur Barstow wrote:
This is a reminder WebApps will meet on Monday and Tuesday (October 27 and 28) during [TPAC2014]. Registration for WebApps' meeting (as well as all other meetings and events that week) is mandatory.


The registration deadline is October 8. The meetings will be at the Santa Clara Marriott hotel (just a few miles from SJC airport) and the hotel discount for meeting participants expires October 3. The daily meeting fee has increased to 75.00 USD.

The group's meeting page including draft agenda is still mostly an open template [Agenda]. I'm expecting to again focus the agenda on high(er) priority Bugs and Issues, as well as to preallocate some time slots in advance and to determine the other slots at the meeting. As I did before WebApps' last meeting, a few weeks before the meeting, I will ping all Editors for status, plans, hot topics, blocking issues, etc.

Please note the Wednesday October 29 Technical Plenary meeting will end at 14:15 and proposals for parallel breakouts sessions can be made at [SessionIdeas]. The "W3C @ 20" event [W3C@20] starts @ 15:00 that day and includes a few speakers plus a "Future of the Web" panel, followed by "gala dinner". I expect this day to be interesting and lot of fun; I encourage everyone to attend.

-Thanks, AB

[TPAC2014] <http://www.w3.org/2014/11/TPAC/>
[Agenda] <https://www.w3.org/wiki/Webapps/November2014Meeting>
[SessionIdeas] <https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC2014/SessionIdeas>
[W3C@20] <http://www.w3.org/20/>

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