On 10/13/2014 3:03 AM, Chad Austin wrote:
> Just as I mentioned in my previous email to this list, I recently was
> asked to review the Gamepad API draft specification.  My background is
> games though I've done some scientific computing with alternate input
> devices too.
> http://chadaustin.me/2014/10/the-gamepad-api/
> I'd like to make a second proposed change to the gamepad API, an
> event-based mechanism for receiving button and axis changes.
> The full rationale is explained in the linked article, but the summary is:
> 1) an event-based API entirely avoids the issue of missed button presses
> 2) event-based APIs don't require non-animating web pages to use
> requestAnimationFrame just to poll gamepad state
> 3) an event-based API could (and should!) give access to
> high-precision event timing information for use in gesture recognition
> and scientific computing
> 4) event-based APIs can reduce processing latency when a button
> changes state rapidly in low-frame-rate situations

Thanks for the feedback! I think we've been fairly starved for useful
feedback from people with real-world experience. My first implementation
of the Gamepad API in Firefox was solely event-based. The code is still
present in Firefox (it turns out to be useful in testing, if nothing
else), you can enable it by flipping the
dom.gamepad.non_standard_events.enabled pref in about:config. It
generates gamepadbutton{down,up}[1] events and gamepadaxismove[2] events.

I encountered a lot of pushback after making my initial implementation
public indicating that developers wanted a polling-style API, and then
Scott proposed and implemented navigator.getGamepads(), and then I
didn't have the mental stamina to try to figure out the right way to do
events. On the plus side, I think adding events on top of the existing
spec would be fairly straightforward and wouldn't break anything. On the
minus side, someone still needs to figure out what they should look
like. :) Obviously the set of events that Firefox implements is not
great. The gamepadbutton{down,up} events are probably close to what we
want, but gamepadaxismove is terrible.

Right now the #1 priority is getting the existing Gamepad API specified
in an interoperable way, given that we have three
pretty-well-interoperable implementations. I've found it hard to find
the time to finish that spec work up, but I plan to make time in the
near future. Once we can get the currently-implemented bits to CR we
have a list of things[3] that I'd love to tackle for a next version, and
events are already on that list.

Thanks again,

3. https://www.w3.org/wiki/Webapps/GamepadFeatures

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