I don't see a contradiction.
Each *web* app sees only files accessible from its domain (so your two
apps have distinct "pic.jpeg").
Each *native* app has access to whatever the operating system says.

Or am I missing something in your message?


On 22/10/14 12:23, Jonathan Bond-Caron wrote:
> That contradicts:
> - Edited files should be accessible by other client-side applications
> The api should allow for editing a 'shared folder' which multiple 
> applications / web apps can access.
> That implies a sort of locking/unlocking api:
> e.g.
> photo editor
> fs = api.getFileSystem({shareName: "photos"}).then((dir) => { 
> dir.openWrite("pic.jpeg") });
> super photo viewer
> fs = api.getFileSystem({shareName: "photos"}).then((dir) => { 
> dir.openRead("pic.jpeg") });
> What happens with the pic.jpeg?

David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
 Performance Team, Mozilla

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