On Fri, 12 Dec 2014 17:02:25 +0100, Frederico Knabben <f.knab...@cksource.com> wrote:

On Friday, 12 December 2014 at 14:40, Simon Pieters wrote:
How about "device-independent events"?
Aren’t we missing what kinds of events we’re talking about? We would just know that those events are device-independent.

So far we’ve been talking about “input” events. If this is still the case, this should be clear.

Option 1: You agree that because we’re talking about “device”, “input” is an implicit information. I’m unsure.

I think this is generally understood. You wouldn't refer to e.g. the 'load' event as a device-independent event even though it technically is.

Option 2: Device-Independent Input Events (dii-events then).

Option 3: We’re talking about a totally new group of events, which don’t include only input, but everything that is “device-independent”. Then use cases should be listed.

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

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