On 1/13/15 6:54 AM, cha...@yandex-team.ru wrote:
13.01.2015, 05:31, "Boris Zbarsky" <bzbar...@mit.edu>:
On 1/12/15 1:56 PM, Olivier Forget wrote:
  multiple range selections are not a "nice to have". All "real" editors
  (MS Word, Google Docs, etc..) support selecting multiple ranges
Precisely.  This is why Gecko ended up supporting it: it was needed for
the editor that was part of the Mozilla suite back in the day....

Of course I've made this point before; it just got ignored.  :(

And yeah, painful as it may be to implement in the browser, I suspect in the 
long run it is the right answer.

If the `plan of record` is to not explicitly address selecting multiple ranges in the first version of the spec, perhaps a new issue should be created (with an `enhancement` tag).

(I didn't notice such an Issue in <https://github.com/w3c/selection-api/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue> and will gladly create one if folks confirm that is the consensus and expectation.)

-Thanks, ArtB

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