All Editors and Active contributors - I would greatly appreciate it if you would please reply to this poll. If you do not intend to attend the meeting `live` regardless of its location, please reply with "No" to both locations and state in the comments something like "will not attend". <>

-Thanks, ArtB

On 1/20/15 5:38 PM, Philippe Le Hegaret wrote:

We are fortunate enough to have two proposed locations for the HTML and
Web Applications face-to-face meeting in the week of April 13-17, 2015.
Your feedback will help us picking the location.

1. Redmond, WA, USA (Hosted by Microsoft):
2. Zaragoza, Spain (Hosted by Yandex)

Please provide your preferences at:

by January 27, 2015.

We will then try to make sense out of the input and pick the location.

Thank you in advance,


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