Can either of you provide an example in layman's terms?

I don't quite understand what this will look like.


On 2015/02/05 00:29, William Edney wrote:
Glen -

Glenn has the answer.

So we're going to come up with yet-another-registry rather than use one that already exists and guarantees (at least as far can be guaranteed) uniqueness: DNS.

The ramifications of not making HTML5 be XHTML5 will be with us for a very long time indeed.


- Bill

On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 3:41 PM, Dimitri Glazkov < <>> wrote:

    The proposed solution is using registries:

    The registry API hasn't been spec'd yet.


    On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 1:31 PM, Glen <
    <>> wrote:

        I know I'm rather late to the party, but I've been doing a lot
        of reading lately about web components and related
        technologies, and the one thing that confounds me is the fact
        that web components appear not to have any "real" namespacing.

        Can someone explain why this is so, and what the justification
        is? Or is it just a case of "it was too complicated, this is
        good enough"?

        I see this has been brought up once before @,
        but nothing changed.

        It's not going to be long before <x-tabs> has been defined by
        1,000,000 people (slight exaggeration), and you have no idea
        what it is or where it came from without looking through
        imports/scripts etc. Also you want to keep things short, so
        you call your element <ms-panel> (you work for Monkey
        Solutions LLC), but then someone else on the team is importing
        <ms-panel> from Microsoft, and BAM!, you have another problem.

        Why can't we do something like this?

        <!-- /scripts/monkey-solutions/panel.js -->
            var panel = document.registerElement("panel", {
                namespace: "ms";

        <!-- /scripts/microsoft/panel.js -->
            var panel = document.registerElement("panel", {
                namespace: "ms";

        <!-- Uses last defined element, as it currently works. -->

        <!-- Redefine the namespace prefix for one of the custom
        elements. -->
        <element name="panel"
        namespace=""; prefix="msft" />


        You could also assign a prefix to all elements within a
        namespace like this:

        <element name="*" namespace="";
        prefix="msft" />

        You can override the prefix multiple times and the closest
        <element> definition is used.

        Please note that the above syntax is just an example of what
        could be used.

        Another BIG pro here is that IDEs can pull in information
        about the elements by sending an HTTP request to the namespace
        URI so that a tooltip could be displayed with an element
        description, author, sample usage, etc.

        I really do hope that it's not too late to make such a change.



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