Legacy problems

Across the computing industry, we spend enormous amounts of money and
effort on keeping older, "legacy" systems running. The examples range from
huge and costly to small and merely annoying: planes circle around in
holding patterns burning precious fuel because air traffic control can't
keep up on systems that are less powerful than a smartphone; WiFi networks
don't reach their top speeds because an original 802.11(no letter), 2Mbps
system *could* show up—you never know. So when engineers dream, we dream of
leaving all of yesterday's technology behind and starting from scratch. But
such clean breaks are rarely possible.

For instance, the original 10 megabit Ethernet specification allows for
1500-byte packets. Filling up 10Mbps takes about 830 of those 1500-byte
packets. Then Fast Ethernet came along, which was 100Mbps, but the packet
size remained the same so that 100Mbps ethernet gear could be hooked up to
10Mbps ethernet equipment without compatibility issues. Fast Ethernet needs
8300 packets per second to fill up the pipe. Gigabit Ethernet needs 83,000
and 10 Gigabit Ethernet needs *almost a million packets per second* (well,

For each faster Ethernet standard, the switch vendors need to pull out even
more stops to process an increasingly outrageous numbers of packets per
second, running the CAMs that store the forwarding tables at insane speeds
that demand huge amounts of power. The need to connect antique NE2000 cards
meant sticking to 1500 bytes for Fast Ethernet, and then the need to talk
to those rusty Fast Ethernet cards meant sticking to 1500 bytes for Gigabit
Ethernet, and so on. At each point, the next step makes sense, but* the
entire journey ends up looking irrational.*


This guy here is bypassing the DOM and using WebGL for user interfaces


He even has a demo, with no event handling other than arrow keys at this
point, and as the author admits ugly graphics, but with projects like
React-Canvas (forget the React part, focus on Canvas UIs) and attempts like
these it looks like the way of the future is to relegate the DOM to old
boring business apps and throw more creative energy at things like WebGL
UIToolKit (the idea that guy is pursuing)

On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 3:46 AM, Aryeh Gregor <a...@aryeh.name> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 4:45 AM, Marc Fawzi <marc.fa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > how long can this be sustained? forever? what is the point in time where
> the
> > business of retaining backward compatibility becomes a huge nightmare?
> It already is, but there's no way out.  This is true everywhere in
> computing.  Look closely at almost any protocol, API, language, etc.
> that dates back 20 years or more and has evolved a lot since then, and
> you'll see tons of cruft that just causes headaches but can't be
> eliminated.  Like the fact that Internet traffic is largely in
> 1500-byte packets because that's the maximum size you could have on
> ancient shared cables without ambiguity in the case of collision.  Or
> that e-mail is mostly sent in plaintext, with no authentication of
> authorship, because that's what made sense in the 80s (or whatever).
> Or how almost all web traffic winds up going over TCP, which performs
> horribly on all kinds of modern usage patterns.  For that matter, I'm
> typing this with a keyboard layout that was designed well over a
> century ago to meet the needs of mechanical typewriters, but it became
> standard, so now everyone uses it due to inertia.
> This is all horrible, but that's life.

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