Since the CG description is free from "political" stuff, I included it here :-)

Most of the things exposed in the system-level (native) APIs of Android, iOS, 
Windows, etc. could indeed be provided in web-browsers.  However, the cost and 
time that this would take as well as the ever-increasing speed of native OS and 
related hardware developments make this unrealistic except for a rather modest 
set of well-scoped APIs.  It has also proven to be considerably harder dealing 
with untrusted web-code than originally thought.

"The Extended Web CG" is about *COMBINING the power of the two worlds* which is a bit 
nicer than the current "Platform War" (which like regular wars doesn't really make 
anybody happy).

To achieve that, The Extended Web CG is dedicated developing a *secure link* 
between the Open [untrusted] Web and the Native [trusted] layer, independently 
of how the latter is expressed.  The current idea is building on an *enhanced 
version* of Chrome's Native Messaging:

The single most important feature of Native Messaging is that it offers *a way 
for third-parties to innovate* in areas ranging from Secure Web-payments to 
Streaming Media-services as well as one-of-a-kind vendor-specific solutions 
like Remote Diagnostics for PCs.

FWIW, it seems that the core concept (talking securely with a web-page), could, and with 
relative ease (fingers crossed...), also include mobile devices connected to a web-page 
through an NFC/Bluetooth(BLE) "combo" link:
A defensive publication has recently been submitted for this proposal.

Anders Rundgren

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