On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 4:53 PM Domenic Denicola <d...@domenic.me> wrote:

> Some previous discussion: [1] especiallly [2]
> In general I think this is a reasonable thing, but it requires a decent
> bit more infrastructure to do things “safely”. For example, consider the
> definition [3]. It's generic in its arguments, which I think is nice (but
> does not fit with Web IDL---whatever). However, it's susceptible to author
> code overriding Array.prototype.join. Similarly, [4] relies upon the
> author-modifiable Math.max and Math.min, not to mention the
> author-modifiable Math binding.

Yep. The correct way to use these is to normatively reference the
Well-Known Intrinsic Objects Table[0] in ES2015, and cite any "extensions".
This is how Ecma 402 and the new SIMD spec ensure object integrity when
referring to built-ins.



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