> On Jun 30, 2015, at 2:55 AM, Anne van Kesteren <ann...@annevk.nl> wrote:
> Can someone update
> https://www.w3.org/wiki/Webapps/WebComponentsJuly2015Meeting with a
> bit more information? I hear it might be in Mountain View?

Is Google hosting this meeting as well?  Alternatively, would other browser 
vendors (e.g. Mozilla) willing to host it this time?

Unfortunately, it's going to be really hard to reserve a big enough room at 
Apple :(  I'm hoping that'll change once we move to the new spaceship but we'll 

> Will we have sufficient time to cover both Custom Elements and Shadow
> DOM? And could the drafts maybe be updated to cover what has been
> agreed to so far? E.g. it seems we have agreement on slots and I think
> that was the last major thing from Shadow DOM that needed a solution.
> Would be great if we could review a complete document.

I'm supposed to write up a document that summaries what we've agreed thus far.  
I've been busy with other stuff lately but will try to post it before the 

- R. Niwa

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