On Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 10:11 AM, Dominic Cooney <domin...@google.com> wrote:
> I think the most important question here, though, is not constructors or
> prototype swizzling.

I guess that depends on what you want to enable. If you want to
recreate existing elements in terms of Custom Elements, you need
private state.

> - Progressive Enhancement. The author can write more things in markup and
> present them while loading definitions asynchronously. Unlike progressive
> enhancement by finding and replacing nodes in the tree, prototype swizzling
> means that the author is free to detach a subtree, do a setTimeout, and
> reattach it without worrying whether the definition was registered in the
> interim.

How does this not result in the same issues we see with FOUC? It seems
rather problematic for the user to be able to interact with components
that do not actually work, but I might be missing things.

> - Fewer (no?) complications with parsing and cloning. Prototype swizzling
> makes it possible to decouple constructing the tree, allocating the wrapper,
> and running Custom Element initialization. For example, if you have a Custom
> Element in Chromium that does not have a createdCallback, we don't actually
> allocate its wrapper until it's touched (like any Element.) But it would not
> be possible to distinguish whether a user-provided constructor is trivial
> and needs "this."

True true.

> Could you share a list of things that use the cloning algorithm?

In the DOM specification a heavy user is ranges. In turn, selection
heavily depends upon ranges. Which brings us to editing operations
such as cut & copy. None of those algorithms anticipate the DOM
changing around under them. (Though perhaps as long as mutation events
are still supported there are some corner cases there, though the
level of support of those varies.)

In Gecko printing also clones the tree and definitely does not expect
that to have side effects. Note that this would break with prototype
swizzling too. Or at least you'd get a less pretty page when

> What do you mean by mode switch?

That during cloning certain DOM operations cease to function, basically.


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