Would implementors want to support (writing stuff to the clipboard)?
Actually, no - "The Simpsons already did it."
Lets not think about windows clipboard. Those are Windows.
We are browser.

I feel clipboard is something that contains copy of
contenteditable items of the same web page.

We seem to be forgetting our basics.

On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 3:01 AM, Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen
<hst...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> so I hit a bit of an issue: I've written some parts of the clipboard spec
> with the assumption that it will be invoked from a
> document.execCommand('copy'/'cut'/'paste') call (although 'paste' would
> require some extra permission work which no UA but IE has attempted so far).
> Meanwhile, the editing task force has gathered feedback on developing editor
> features from implementors and drawn the conclusion that the current "stuff"
> including contentEditable=true and document.execCommand() is unsalvageable.
> So their aim is to deprecate and remove execCommand(). If it were to be
> removed, I obviously can't expect it to be used for clipboard actions. On
> the other hand, my expectation that I can build stuff on top of
> execCommand() makes life more complicated for them when they aim to
> deprecate it.. Some discussion ensues:
> https://github.com/w3c/editing/issues/61
> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-editing-tf/2015Aug/0001.html
> I'm not sure how to proceed. Now, "the old stuff isn't good enough, let's
> have a clean slate and do new and shiny things" is an approach that hasn't
> worked very well so far when writing specs for the web. This time might of
> course be different. (Personally I doubt it though. I'm not even sure if
> they developers who told them "the old stuff is something we don't want to
> touch, let's forget about contentEditable=true" had given this enough
> thought..)
> It's also true that the current approach in the clipboard spec - especially
> for writing stuff to the clipboard - is a bit hackish. Perhaps I (unlike the
> Editing task force) have been *too* deferential to the existing
> implementations, including stuff like onbefore* events that no browser so
> far did a good job implementing. (Nope, not even IE although it was invented
> there). I can see why Johannes Wilm suggests making a new API instead..
> If we came up with a completely new "write to clipboard" API - for example
> something like
> if(window.clipboard){
>   var items = new DataTransferItems(); // ignore that we can't currently
> construct this..
>   items.add('text/plain', 'Hello world');
>   items.add('text/html', '<p>Hello world</p>');
>   items.imageFromElement('image/jpeg', document.images[0]);
>   window.clipboard.write(items).then(function(){
>     alert('Copied all parts to clipboard!');
>   });
> }
> Would implementors want to support that?
> - Hallvord

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