Hello WebApps WG and Incubator CG members,

As you may know, we (Microsoft) have been collaborating with Mozilla on 
evolving the new directory upload proposal [1]. It has recently been added to 
the Incubator Community Group and we are looking forward to have everyone get 
involved with providing feedback on this initial proposal. If you haven't 
already made a first-pass read of the spec, I invite you to take some time to 
do that as it is a relatively short document that we are trying to get some 
more eyes on.

As we wait for the spec to stabilize, and to solve the existing interop gap 
with Chrome with regards to directory uploads, we are implementing the 
webkitRelativePath property for the File interface and webkitdirectory 
attribute for the input tag [2]. This allows sites to show a directory picker 
and to identify the relative file structure of the directory a user selects.

Supporting webkit-prefixed properties is not an endorsement of the old way of 
doing it - it is an interop realization. For this reason, we will consider the 
webkit-prefixed API as deprecated in Microsoft Edge (as we do with other 
webkit-prefixed APIs we support for compatibility). The old API is synchronous 
and doesn't provide a natural way of traversing directories. That is why we are 
working closely with Mozilla and encouraging everyone in the community to look 
into the directory upload proposal and to provide feedback.

Thank you,

[1] https://wicg.github.io/directory-upload/proposal.html
[2] https://dev.modern.ie/platform/status/webkitdirectoryandwebkitrelativepath
[3] https://dev.modern.ie/platform/status/directoryupload/

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