thanks for the info.

As I understand it, this has no practical impact on the editing taskforce
and these are more suggestions for future task forces, right?

As for separate repositories: We have changed the number and names of the
specs we need numerous times now. If we create and delete a repository
every time we change the name or the numbers and types of specs, it would
have turned into a complete mess.

Essentially we only have one single work item which is editing. We should
now now be very far away from being very clear on the names of some of at
least one the specs (the one containing beforeEdit/Edit or
beforeInput/Input), and once that happens, I would be all for moving it to
it's own repository if we are clear that this these events will also be
added to old contentEditable elements, text areas, input fields, etc. .

We couldn't do that hitherto because as late as late August it was
suggested we merge that spec with some of the other specs.

On Mon, Oct 12, 2015 at 6:23 PM, Marcos Caceres <w...@marcosc.com> wrote:

> On October 12, 2015 at 8:23:25 AM, Arthur Barstow (art.bars...@gmail.com)
> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > On October 10, the consortium formerly started the Web Platform WG
> > [Charter] thus terminating WebApps.
> >
> > My expectation is this change will have little to no impact on any work
> > started in WebApps. That said, please note the charter indicates
> > WebApps' less developed specs (f.ex. the Editing specs) need some
> > "incubation" before they may proceed on the Recommendation track.
> > However, that was effectively how WebApps operated so I don't see this
> > as a change - a spec still needs implementation commitments before
> > advancing to the later Recommendation stages.
> For incubation, members are welcomed to bring their specs Web Incubator CG:
> http://github.com/wicg
> The WICG can help members get specs into shape and connect them with
> developers and other implementers. It's a fast, IPR friendly way, to get
> ideas road-tested before formal standardization.
> > The WPWG has its own Github repo [Github] and the group will not use
> > W3C's wiki. (Only a small number of WebApps' Editors actively use W3C
> > wiki documents (primarily IDB v2 features, Pointer Lock v2 features,
> > Gamepad v2 features, and D3E) and I will work with those Editors to move
> > their relevant wiki information to their spec's repo.)
> Please please please (please!), don't use a single repository as a
> dumpling ground for spec - it makes it impossible for people to follow
> individual work items, file bugs, etc.. Please use separate repositories
> for each work item.
> I would suggest maybe making your own organization on Github, and then
> managing your specs through that. Again, see:
> http://github.com/wicg

Johannes Wilm
Fidus Writer

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