On 10/15/15 11:39 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:
Can we discuss how we can integrate ES2015 modules into HTML on Tuesday, October 27th at TPAC?

Both Gecko and WebKit are basically done implementing ES6 module supports in their respective JavaScript engines but blocked on http://whatwg.github.io/loader/ to support in web contents.

Since my colleague who is interested in this topic cannot attend TPAC in person, it would be great if we could have it in Tuesday Morning (Monday evening in California).

Given the WPWG charter sets an expectation of collaboration with WHATWG, using meeting time at TPAC for this (or other mutual areas of interest) seems reasonable (assuming you can find a mutually acceptable day + time).

On the other hand, perhaps it would be useful to raise discussion topics on the list now (and not necessarily wait for TPAC).


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