Experts on Service Workers:

Per the spec (, global 
states will be discarded in between service worker restarts. This is 
understandable, however, it makes it impossible or too difficult to 
implement some use cases.

Consider applications like e-business client, email client, chat client, 
collaborative document editor, etc. Those applications need to be able to 
support multiple user accounts (one active at a time), each having a 
separate IndexedDB database, and a dedicated secret key for data 
encryption/decryption. When handling requests, Service Workers need to 
know the current user ID and secret key - needless to say, we cannot 
persist the user's ID and secret key on disk for security reasons.

More specifically, what we need to do in the Service Worker:
1. The Service Worker receives a URL request;
2. The Service Worker looks up the requested resource in the IndexedDB 
database identified by the user ID;
3. The Service Worker uses the user's secret key to decrypt the resource;
4. The resource is returned to the client;

With SharedWorker, we can maintain in-memory global state across pages. 
However, there does not seem to be a direct way to access SharedWorker in 
Service Workers. Is there a solution for this? What are the 


Ying Le Jia (贾迎乐)
Senior Software Engineer, IBM Notes and IBM Verse
IBM China Software Development Lab (CSDL), Beijing

Tel: 86-10-82453472

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