> On Jan 9, 2016, at 6:25 PM, Olli Pettay <o...@pettay.fi> wrote:
> Hard to judge this proposal before seeing an API using StaticRange objects.
> One thing though, if apps were to create an undo stack of their own, they 
> could easily have their own Range-like API implemented in JS. So if that is 
> the only use case, probably not worth to add anything to make the platform 
> more complicated. Especially since StaticRange API might be good for some 
> script library, but not for some other.

The idea is to return this new StaticRange object in `InputEvent` interface's 
`targetRanges` IDL attribute, and let Web apps hold onto them without incurring 
the cost of constant updates.

- R. Niwa

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