Hello WP,

Finding the balance between rapidity and process can be challenging. WP
continues the work mode established by WebApps, where flexible and agile
collaboration is encouraged, and the W3C process respected.

Whenever people meet (formally or informally) to discuss a spec, there is a
good chance useful things will come out of that meeting. There is also a
good chance that people unable to attend the meeting will have other useful
contributions to make. Having lots of smart people work this way is how we
build strong standards.

With this in mind, we ask everyone to do a few simple things when it comes
to organising F2F meetings...

- Ask one of the chairs to send out notice of the meeting at least 8 weeks
in advance, including date/time and location;
- Post the meeting logistics in the WP Github meetings space [1];
- Use IRC (#WebApps + RRSBot) to record minutes of the meeting, and post
them within 48h;
- Post any resolutions made during the meeting, and invite people to comment
within the next 10 days.

If the meeting is ad hoc, then post any outcomes of the discussion for
consideration by the WG at large.

We know that meeting administrivia sometimes feels like a chore that
detracts from the business of writing specs, so the chairs are happy to help
facilitate meetings and make them as simple as possible to run. Then
everyone can focus on getting the job done.

Léonie, Ade, Chaals and Art (WP co-chairs)

[1] https://github.com/w3c/WebPlatformWG/tree/gh-pages/meetings

@LeonieWatson tink.uk Carpe diem

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