Welcome Wanming!

On Tue, 31 May 2016 09:46:15 +0200, Lin, Wanming <wanming....@intel.com> wrote:

Hello WP,

My name is Wanming Lin, many thanks Wayne for inviting me join in WP WG.

I work for Intel OTC Web QA team which focuses on testing work for advanced Web technologies especially for latest W3C standard Web APIs. We started to contribute Web API test cases to W3C upstream since early 2012, also continuously submit tests, participate in technical discussion in the community mailing lists, review test code from others, participant in and make presentations in events.

I am proud to represent my team to join in this group, I am a newbie but I will try my best.
Looking forward to working with you all.

Best regards,

Charles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex
 cha...@yandex-team.ru - - - Find more at http://yandex.com

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