Jos, as a procedural note, if you want to change the ballot, you have to post 
an updated version and restart the discussion period.  You can’t make changes 
before voting.


I’d suggest doing that ASAP to avoid further delays.




From: Public <> On Behalf Of Jos Purvis (jopurvis) 
via Public
Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 9:05 AM
To:; CABFPub <>; Ryan Sleevi 
Subject: Re: [cabfpub] Ballot FORUM-1: Establish Forum Infrastructure Working 


Whoops! Apologies for not picking that up. Yes, it’s a typo. Final language 
will read:

*       The FIWG will not create Final Guidelines or Final Maintenance 
Guidelines as defined in the Bylaws and IPR Policy.




Jos Purvis ( <> )
.:|:.:|:. cisco systems  | Cryptographic Services
PGP: 0xFD802FEE07D19105  | +1 919.991.9114 (desk)



From: " <> " < 
<> >
Date: Friday, 10 August, 2018 at 10:28 
To: "Jos Purvis (jopurvis)" < <> >, 
CA/B Forum Public List < <> >, 
Ryan Sleevi < <> >
Subject: Re: [cabfpub] Ballot FORUM-1: Establish Forum Infrastructure Working 


I would also assume it's a typo. Jos will have to confirm. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Sleevi via Public < <> >
To: "Jos Purvis (jopurvis)" < <> >, 
CABFPub < <> >
Sent: Fri, 10 Aug 2018 16:57
Subject: Re: [cabfpub] Ballot FORUM-1: Establish Forum Infrastructure Working 


On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 1:46 PM Ryan Sleevi < 
<> > wrote:


On Mon, Aug 6, 2018 at 10:30 AM Jos Purvis (jopurvis) via Public 
< <> > wrote:

Final version of the ballot (with fixed dates) is below; discussion period 
starts today!



Jos Purvis ( <> )
.:|:.:|:. cisco systems  | Cryptographic Services
PGP: 0xFD802FEE07D19105  | +1 919.991.9114 (desk)


Ballot FORUM-1: Establish Forum Infrastructure Working Group


Purpose of Ballot

The CA/Browser Forum has grown considerably over the last few years and is now 
dividing its work into multiple working groups to more carefully address 
specific certificate needs. The responsibilities of managing the various 
components of infrastructure necessary for the Forum to conduct its work, such 
as the wiki and mailing lists, has grown considerably. With immense gratitude 
to each of the Forum members that have helped to provide this infrastructure, 
the work of managing it should no longer be left as a volunteer best-effort 
function of any single Forum member. This ballot would establish a working 
group chartered to help ensure the infrastructure supporting the Forum 
continues to meet its needs. 


The following motion has been proposed by Jos Purvis of Cisco and endorsed by 
Tim Hollebeek of Digicert and Wayne Thayer of Mozilla.




Establish Forum Infrastructure Working Group


Upon approval of the CAB Forum by ballot in accordance with Section 5.3 of the 
Bylaws, the Forum Infrastructure Working Group (“FIWG”) is created to perform 
the activities as specified in this Charter, subject to the terms and 
conditions of the CA/Browser Forum Bylaws and Intellectual Property Rights 
(IPR) Policy, as such documents may change from time to time. The definitions 
found in the Forum’s Bylaws shall apply to capitalized terms in this Charter.



The authorized scope of the Forum Infrastructure Working Group shall be as 

1.      To oversee the acquisition, operation, and maintenance of the common 
CA/Browser Forum website and wiki resources;
2.      To coordinate updates to public and Forum-facing web and wiki content 
in support of the Forum Webmaster role established in the Bylaws;
3.      To create and manage the division of access and content spaces required 
to help ensure the separation of the work of various Working Groups and 
accompanying commitments, as described in the Forum’s IPR Policy;
4.      To manage the Forum-level email lists and to offer management of 
working-group and subcommittee mailing lists as needed in support of the Forum 
List Manager role established in the Bylaws;
5.      To perform other activities ancillary to the primary activities listed 


Out of Scope

The following items are considered out of scope for the Working Group under 
this charter:

*       The FIWG will not address coordination of Forum or Working Group 
face-to-face meetings.
*       The FIWG will not create Maintenance Guidelines or Final Maintenance 
Guidelines as defined in the Bylaws and IPR Policy.




Is this a typo here? I believe it's meant to be "Final Guideline or Final 
Maintenance Guideline" as defined by the Bylaws and IPR policy - is that 


Checking in here, just to make sure we've got it cleared up before voting :)

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