As part of our plan to move Server Certificate Working Group messages to their 
own mailing list starting Sept. 1 (and to refresh our mailing lists generally), 
all Members, Associate Members, and organization Interested Parties must 
provide a list of representatives who have posting rights on our various Lists 
and access to the wiki.

Members and Associate Members: Please visit the wiki at this link and complete 
the following information:

(1) Names of authorized representatives with posting rights and access to the 
(2) Email address for each
(3) For CA Members, whether you are Members as a Root Certificate Issuer, 
Certificate Issuer, or both.  (See definitions at end of this message.)

Here is the link:  
If you have any trouble accessing the wiki, send the information to me and I 
will post (and get you access to the wiki).

Interested Parties who are organizations:  Please send the following 
information to me at my email address above:

(1) Names of authorized representatives with posting rights and access to the 
(2) Email address for each

Deadline: If you do not update this information and post it to the wiki by 
August 31, you may lose posting rights as of September 1.



(1) Certificate Issuer: The member organization operates a certification 
authority that has a current and successful WebTrust for CAs audit, or ETSI TS 
102042, ETSI 101456, or ETSI EN 319 411-1 audit report prepared by a 
properly-qualified auditor, and that actively issues certificates to Web 
servers that are openly accessible from the Internet, such certificates being 
treated as valid when using a browser created by a Certificate Consumer Member. 
Applicants that are not actively issuing certificates but otherwise meet 
membership criteria may be granted Associate Member status under Bylaw Sec. 3.1 
for a period of time to be designated by the Forum.

(2) Root Certificate Issuer: The member organization operates a certification 
authority that has a current and successful WebTrust for CAs, or ETSI TS 
102042, ETSI TS 101456, ETSI EN 319 411-1 audit report prepared by a 
properly-qualified auditor, and that actively issues certificates to 
subordinate CAs that, in turn, actively issue certificates to Web servers that 
are openly accessible from the Internet, such certificates being treated as 
valid when using a browser created by a Certificate Consumer Member. Applicants 
that are not actively issuing certificates but otherwise meet membership 
criteria may be granted Associate Member status under Bylaw Sec. 3.1 for a 
period of time to be designated by the Forum.

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