Thanks for read it.


I’d rather not delay the ballot or make it more complicated.  There are several 
ballots that would be much easier to handle if the Ballot 216 rules were back 
in place, and that includes migrating Legacy WGs to subcommittees.


On the subject of obsolete text, there’s actually a ton of it in the BRs as 
well.  For example, we still have on the books rules about how to handle 
issuing certificates for Internal Names that contain gTLDs that are under 
consideration by ICANN.  There’s also a bunch of “Effective Date from many 
years ago…” that could be simplified.  We still have rules about pre-2010 key 
sizes.  I was thinking of handling some of that cleanup in the “Minor Cleanups” 


The issue with numbers that you note could be handled there as well.




From: Public <> On Behalf Of Dimitris Zacharopoulos 
via Public
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 7:43 AM
Subject: Re: [cabfpub] Draft Ballot Forum-4 for discussion


Thanks Tim, the changes seem to be in order. I have two suggestions.

1.      Legacy WGs: If we delay this ballot for a couple of days and put it for 
vote after October 3rd, the language around Legacy Working Groups will be 
obsolete. I think it makes sense to wait a few days, remove section 5.3.4 and 
language around LWG in section 5.2.
2.      Consistency with representation of numbers in duration references: 
Sometimes, we use the text "7 days", sometimes we say "seven days" and 
sometimes we say "seven (7) days". I recommend changing all references with the 
format "seven (7) days".


On 11/9/2018 4:17 μμ, Tim Hollebeek via Public wrote:


Reverting to using a draft ballot to get things right on the first try, since I 
can’t make updates once the discussion starts … if a few eagle-eyed people 
(Dimitris?  Ryan?) can review this ballot and the attached Bylaw changes, I’d 
appreciate it so we can get it up for vote quickly.


Ballot FORUM-4: Fix mistakes made during passage of Governance Reform Ballot 206


Purpose of Ballot


The Governance Reform ballot (Ballot 206 under the old ballot numbering scheme) 
was extremely complicated and took roughly two years to draft.  There were two 
changes to the Bylaws that the Governance Reform Working Group intended to be 
included in the Governance Reform ballot that were accidentally not included in 
the final version of the Bylaws attached to Ballot 206:


1.      The changes to the rules about discussion periods that were approved in 
Ballot 216.
2.      Dimitris’ fixes for the numbers of the ETSI standards required for 
membership, to more closely align with what we require for WebTrust


The attached version of the Bylaws restores the important discussion period 
changes that were approved by the members but then accidentally overwritten, 
and adopts Dimitris’ improvements which were intended by the Governance Reform 
Working Group to be in Ballot 206 but were accidentally omitted.


The following motion has been proposed by Tim Hollebeek of DigiCert and 
endorsed by Wayne Thayer of Mozilla and Moudrick Dadashov of SSC.




This ballot replaces the “Bylaws of the CA/Browser Forum” version 1.9 with 
version 2.0 of those Bylaws, attached to this ballot.




The procedure for approval of this ballot is as follows:


Discussion (7 days)


Start Time: 2018-09-12, 9:00 am Eastern Time


End Time: 2018-09-19, 9:00 am Eastern Time


Vote for approval (7 days)


Start Time: 2018-09-19, 9:00am Eastern Time


End Time: 2018-09-26, 9:00am Eastern Time


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