Thanks for clarifying.

That's unfortunate, because having the time following would provide a lot
more flexibility for the representatives to adjust their conversations to
the discussion topics and questions raised, providing greater clarity and
direction. Presuming the presentations are similar in content and structure
to our past F2F, as they have been, will leave a lot of missed opportunity
for clarity on the table.

On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 1:52 PM Kirk Hall <>

> I checked with the WebTrust and ETSI reps, and they don’t think it would
> be a good idea to move their 15 minute “refresher” course presentations to
> time slots after the presentations by you and Wayne – their purpose in
> doing a refresher presentation on existing WebTrust and ETSI reports is to
> help the Members get more out of the following presentations from you and
> Wayne.
> *From:* Ryan Sleevi []
> *Sent:* Sunday, September 30, 2018 5:50 PM
> *To:* Kirk Hall <>; CABFPub <
> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL]Re: [cabfpub] Revised draft F2F Agenda for Shanghai
> meeting
> On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 9:20 PM Kirk Hall via Public <>
> wrote:
> Here is an updated Agenda for the Shanghai F2F meeting in just over two
> weeks.  The draft is based on time requests from different discussion
> leaders, and as you see the meeting runs too long on Thursday.  I am going
> to check with discussion leaders to see if they really need all the time
> they have requested, and will likely make adjustments to this draft.
> If you have suggestions or requests, please let me know.
> Tuesday, 16 October 2018 - Working Group and Subcommittee Meetings
> Start
> Stop
> Slot
> Description
> Discussion Leader / Notes
> 8:00
> 9:00
> Meeting room open
> 8:30
> 9:00
> Breakfast - Continental
> 9:00
> 9:15
> Welcome, Preliminary Matters, Logistics, Antitrust Statement
> Yi, Kirk
> 9:15
> 10:15
> 1
> Forum Infrastructure Working Group Meeting
> Jos
> 10:15
> 10:35
> Break
> 10:35
> 12:00
> 2
> Forum Committee of the Whole: Governance and Bylaws Issues Pre-meeting (1)
> Governance WG or Subcommittee, (2) Review Bylaws Change List
> Ben, Jos, Dimitris
> 12:00
> 12:45
> Lunch
> 12:45
> 14:15
> 3
> SCWG Network Security Subcommittee
> Ben
> 14:15
> 14:35
> Break
> 14:35
> 16:35
> 4
> SCWG Validation Subcommittee
> Tim
> 16:35
> Adjourn
> Wednesday, 17 October 2018 - Plenary Meeting (Day 1)
> Start
> Stop
> Slot
> Description
> Discussion Leader / Notes
> 8:00
> 9:00
> Meeting room open
> 8:30
> 9:00
> Breakfast - Continental
> 9:00
> *Call to Order and Welcome - CA/Browser Forum Plenary Meeting*
> Kirk, Yi
> 9:00
> 9:15
> Recap of Preliminary Matters, Logistics, Antitrust Statement, Assign
> Minute Taking
> Yi, Kirk
> 9:15
> 9:30
> 1
> Report from Forum Infrastructure Working Group
> Jos
> 9:30
> 9:50
> 2
> Report on Governance Change, Bylaws Issues: (1) Governance WG or
> Subcommittee, (2) Review Bylaws Change List
> Ben, Jos, Dimitris
> 9:50
> 10:05
> 3
> Potential Amendments to SCWG Charter
> Dimitris, Tim
> 10:05
> 10:35
> 4
> Creation of additional Working Groups - Code Signing
> Ben
> 10:35
> 10:50
> Break
> 10:50
> 11:20
> 5
> Creation of additional Working Groups - Secure Mail; Other
> Ben
> 11:20
> 11:30
> 6
> Pending Forum Ballots
> Kirk
> 11:30
> Adjourn CA/Browser Plenary Meeting
> Kirk
> 11:30
> *Call to Order - Server Certificate Working Group Plenary Meeting*
> Kirk
> 11:30
> 11:35
> Assign Minute Taking
> Kirk
> 11:35
> 11:55
> 7
> Opera Root Program Update
> Tomasz
> 11:55
> 12:15
> 8
> Mozilla Root Program Update
> Wayne
> 12:15
> 12:45
> Lunch
> 12:45
> 13:05
> 9
> Microsoft Root Program Update
> Mike
> 13:05
> 13:25
> 10
> Google Root Program Update
> Ryan
> 13:25
> 13:45
> 11
> Cisco Systems Root Program Update
> J.P.
> 13:45
> 14:05
> 12
> Apple Root Program Update
> Geoff
> 14:05
> 14:25
> 13
> 360 Root Program Update
> Iñigo
> 14:25
> 14:55
> 14
> WebTrust Update
> Jeff
> 14:55
> 15:15
> Break
> 15:15
> 15:45
> 15
> ETSI Update
> Arno, Phillipe
> 15:45
> 16:00
> 16
> Report from SCWG Validation Subcommittee
> Tim
> 16:00
> 16:30
> 17
> Improving validation for identity certificates
> Tim
> 16:30
> 16:40
> Announcements, Evening Social Event
> Kirk, Yi
> 16:40
> Adjourn
> Evening: Group Social Event -- details to be provided later
> Thursday, 18 October 2018 - Plenary Meeting (Day 2)
> Start
> Stop
> Slot
> Description
> Discussion Leader / Notes
> 8:00
> 9:00
> Meeting room open
> 8:30
> 9:00
> Breakfast - Continental
> 9:00
> *Continuation of Server Certificate Working Group Plenary Meeting*
> Kirk
> 9:00
> 9:15
> Recap of Preliminary Matters, Logistics, Antitrust Statement, Assign
> Minute Taking
> Yi, Kirk
> 9:15
> 10:15
> 18
> Report from SCWG Network Security Subcommittee
> Ben
> 10:15
> 10:35
> Break
> 10:35
> 10:55
> 19
> Report from SCWG Network Security Subcommittee (continued)
> Ben
> 10:55
> 11:25
> 20
> Update on London Protocol
> Chris
> 11:25
> 12:25
> 21
> Report on Name Clash Service
> Daymion
> 12:25
> 12:55
> Lunch
> 12:55
> 13:55
> 22
> Potential changes to server certificate issuance processes for increased
> transparency
> Daymion
> 13:55
> *Discussion of Audit Terminology, Problems, Ideal Life Cycle for Root CA
> Audits*
> 13:55
> 14:10
> 23
> (a) Types of audits/reports under WebTrust
> <> and their terminology
> Jeff, Don
> 14:10
> 14:25
> 24
> (b) Types of audits/reports under ETSI and their terminology
> Arno, Clemens, Phillipe
> 14:25
> 15:15
> 25
> (c) Discussion of current state of audits and membership requirements
> Ryan
> 15:15
> 15:30
> Break
> 15:30
> 16:10
> 26
> (c) Discussion of current state of audits and membership requirements
> (continued)
> Ryan
> 16:10
> 17:40
> 27
> (d) Audit requirements over the lifecycle of a root
> Wayne
> 17:40
> 17:45
> 28
> SCWG Ballot Review
> 17:45
> 17:50
> Review accomplishments, list of tasks, thank you to hosts, next meeting
> Cupertino, March 12-14, 2019 (Apple)
> Kirk
> 17:50
> Transfer of Chair gavel to new Forum and SCWG Chair, *Adjourn SCWG
> Meeting*
> Kirk, Dimitris
> *Upcoming F2F Meetings:*
> 2019: Meeting 46 – Cupertino (Apple) March 12-14 2019, Meeting 47 –
> Thessaloniki, Greece (HARICA) June 11-13 2019, Meeting 48 – Guangzhou
> (GDCA), October 2019
> 2020: Meeting 49 - Feb-March 2020 [Open], Meeting 50 – June 2020 –
> Minneapolis (OATI), Meeting 51 – October 2020 – Tokyo (GlobalSign
> <>)
> 2021: Meeting 52 – Feb-March 2021 [Open], Meeting 53 – June 2021 Poland
> (Asseco), Meeting 54 - October 2021 [Open]
> _______________________________________________
> Public mailing list
> Kirk,
> I think we'll make the most productive use of Slots 23 and 24 if presented
> after Slot 25 - 27. Having discussion among members that establishes a
> common vocabulary and understanding can more naturally lead to a discussion
> by the auditor representatives about their present and planned future audit
> offerings relevant to CAs and Browsers.
Public mailing list

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