Although the details do need work, I support Kirk’s approach here, which is 
that the bylaws should contain a set of default rules which describe everything 
needed to operate a working group or a subcommittee, except for the name and 
scope.  It is much better if a motion to create a working group can be a few 
lines long, and focuses on the critical details of the working group, rather 
than having to be several pages of mostly boilerplate copied and pasted, 
perhaps incorrectly, from multiple sources.

> On Oct 16, 2018, at 1:55 PM, Ryan Sleevi via Public <> 
> wrote:
> Kirk,
> I'm afraid that wasn't my question, nor was it a suggestion.
> It sounds like you haven't done what was discussed - an evaluation of the 
> bylaws. I'm hoping you can make a more compelling case that these will 
> address the issues. One way to make such a compelling case is to highlight 
> "The Bylaws require CWGs specify how to address X, Y, Z in their charters. 
> Here are samples we can use to address Y and Z in a generic way". This was 
> the path discussed as a positive step forward, and it does not appear this 
> does it.
> For example, your proposal is clearly deficient and fails to address what was 
> discussed - such as how the formation of subcommittees is done, which the 
> Bylaws call for in 5.3.1(e). This is the problem with rushing to provide 
> language, and ignoring the discussions on possible paths forward - it easily 
> leads to avoidable mistakes.
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 1:50 AM Kirk Hall < 
> <>> wrote:
> Good point.  We can modify my language so the default provisions in my 
> proposal below would apply to new CWGs *and all subcommittees created by a 
> CWG”.  How does that sound to you?
> Do you have any other edits to suggest?
> From: Ryan Sleevi [ <>] 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2018 1:46 PM
> To: Kirk Hall < 
> <>>; CABFPub < 
> <>>
> Subject: [EXTERNAL]Re: [cabfpub] Proposed Bylaws Sec. 5.3.1(f) - Default 
> procedures for new Chartered Working Groups
> Thanks for proposing this.
> It does not seem to address some of the other topics that were discussed, 
> such as the formation of subcommittees.
> We left the discussion with a call to provide a methodical analysis of where 
> the bylaws defer to a CWGs charter, to provide better example guidance. Have 
> you done this? It might be better to start from there, rather than proposing 
> ballot text immediately following such discussions, so that we can actually 
> have confidence that the issues are being addressed.
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2018 at 1:43 AM Kirk Hall via Public < 
> <>> wrote:
> As we discussed this morning, we need certain “default” procedures for how 
> *new* Working Groups operate, which could (in theory) be specifically 
> overridden by the Forum by passing *different* procedures for a particular 
> CWG in the charter of a new Chartered Working Group (CWG). 
> It is unlikely that we would ever override these standard Bylaws provisions 
> for an individual CWG charter, but it would be possible. 
> A CWG could also adopt *additional* procedures for its CWG by a CWG ballot if 
> it wants to, so long as the additional procedures do not conflict with the 
> CWG charter and/or Bylaw Sec. 5.3.1(f).
> So this is a potential Forum ballot to amend the Bylaws – please comment:
> Bylaws Sec. 5.3.1 - Formation of Chartered Working Groups ***
> (f) Unless otherwise specifically provided in the charter of a CWG, a CWG 
> shall be governed by the following rules:
> 1.       Each CWG shall have a Chair and Vice Chair who shall be elected by 
> CWG members following the procedures of Bylaws Section 4.1 as closely as 
> possible.  The initial term for CWG officers shall expire on November 30 of 
> the next even-numbered year after the CWG is established to be synchronized 
> with the terms of Forum officers.
> 2.       Proposing and voting on CWG Ballots by CWG members shall follow the 
> procedures stated in Bylaws Sec. 2.3 and 2.4.
> * * * * *
> [Note: Bylaws Sec. 5.2 already requires CWGs to post Agendas, Minutes, and 
> Ballots to the Public lists – see below -  so I don’t think we need more 
> default provisions on those subjects.   LWG means Legacy Working Group, and 
> all Legacy Working Groups have expired.]
> Bylaws Sec. 5.2 - Public Mail List and Public Web Site [Existing language]
> The Chair shall appoint a List Manager who shall maintain a Public Mail List. 
> Members and Interested Parties may post to the Public Mail List in compliance 
> with these Bylaws. Anyone else is allowed to subscribe to and receive 
> messages posted to the Public Mail List, which may be crawled and indexed by 
> Internet search engines.
> The Chair shall appoint a Webmaster. The Webmaster shall post instructions on 
> the Public Web Site for subscribing to the Public Mail List.
> The following materials shall be posted to the Public Mail List or Public Web 
> Site:
> (a)    Draft and final agendas for LWG and CWG meetings, Forum Meetings and 
> Forum Teleconferences (including any sub-groups or committees).
> (b)    Final minutes of Forum Meetings and Forum Teleconferences (including 
> minutes of any sub- groups or committees), and minutes of all LWG and CWG 
> teleconferences and meetings.
> (c)     Messages formally proposing a Forum ballot (including ballots to 
> establish, extend, modify, or terminate LWGs (as applicable) and CWGs), 
> individual votes, vote and quorum counts, and messages announcing ballot 
> outcomes and voting breakdowns.
> (d)    Initial and final drafts of Forum requirements, guidelines, and 
> recommendations after the drafter has had an opportunity to receive and 
> respond to initial Member comments.
> (e)    Initial and final drafts of CWG charter documents, guidelines, and 
> recommendations after the drafter has had an opportunity to receive and 
> respond to initial Working Group member comments.
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> Public mailing list
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