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Regardless of our differences, we all need to stand up to this kind of

Please stand up for alt-roots in general and boycott SIXXS now!

- ----------------

As an OpenNIC member, I am requesting that we take a stand against
self-appointed "internet guardians" who believe that OpenNIC and other
alternate roots are poison to the continued well-being of the Domain
Name System.  Specifically, I am asking each of you to (1) immediately
move any IPv6 subnets you may have with SixXS[1] to Hurricane
Electric[2] or another 6-to-4 tunnel broker; and (2) send an email to
Jeroen Massar[3], maintainer of SixXS[4], expressing your outrage over his
self-appointed role as an "internet guardian." If you do not
currently have a 6-to-4 tunnel with SixXS, I urge each of you to
e-mail Jeroen anyway and express your displeasure with his actions and
attitude towards alternate roots.

By way of background: On or about May 24, my 6-to-4 tunnel was
"administratively set down" by SixXS, and my access to the SixXS
forums and tracker engine was revoked. Despite numerous requests for
clarification, Jeroen and SixXS have refused to acknowledge the
reasons why my 6-to-4 tunnel was disabled. However, log entries in my
account indicate the following actions were taken against me shortly
after I posted a forum message in the SixXS "General" forum announcing
Aaron Angel's new OpenNIC Tier 2 server availability on IPv6:

2009-05-24 18:34:29
    T19893 violates RFC2826

2009-05-24 18:34:04
    Tunnel to was admin disabled

2009-05-24 18:31:08
    SixXS fully supports RFC2826, thus please don't abuse our forums
as a mechanism outing in contrast to that

2009-05-24 18:28:56
    Set AllowForum to N

2009-05-24 18:07:37
    Posted a message to the forum

2009-05-24 18:02:18
    Posted a message to the forum

Apparently, my access was removed, and my subnet was disabled, within
30 minutes of posting.  This was posted in a forum that has numerous
other posts announcing various DNS services available via IPv6.  No
explanation was ever given me as to why my subnet was disabled (and
despite the fact that my subnet was *not* hosting the Tier 2 in
question), and I received no warning that my access would be

The reference to RFC2826 ("IAB Technical Comment on the Unique DNS
Root" [informational])[5] is one that is often made by critics of the
alternate root system, but one that is ultimately non-applicable to
OpenNIC:  RFC2826 specifically discusses the dangers of "colliding
TLDs," and the OpenNIC charter and policies specifically exclude
establishing new TLDs that collide with existing ICANN TLDs[6].

It is apparent to me that Jeroen has taken it upon himself to enforce
his brand of compliance on his small segment of the Internet.  Compare
this to Hurricane Electric, another 6-to-4 tunnel provider that
specifically encourages us to provide our services to the Internet

    Nothing we have in place currently would prevent you from doing such a
    thing.  Do be aware that it is a free service, and it's provided on a
    best-effort basis, especially as tunnels can be prone to odd hiccups.
    If that's all fine with you, then go ahead.[7]

We should not have to stand for this level of contempt, and I again
urge each of you to let Jeroen know that you will not permit
him to serve as your Internet gatekeeper.


[1] https://www.sixxs.net
[2] http://www.tunnelbroker.net
[3] jer...@sixxs.net (He seems to prefer digitally-signed emails)
[4] i...@sixxs.net
[5] http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2826.txt
[6] http://wiki.opennic.glue/OpenNICCharterAnnotated
[7] Personal communications, 29 May 2009
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Julian De Marchi
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OpenNIC user - http://www.opennicproject.org/ | http://www.opennic.glue
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