On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 at 12:34:35AM +1000, David O'Brien wrote:
> Anyone know if it's possible to insert lines that are longer than 80
> characters, and not have them wrap in the output? (I believe 80 chars is
> the max but not sure?)
> In this particular case I want to include an example config line for a
> kickstart file that you can copy/paste straight into the ks file, but
> the standard/normal output wraps the line. Apparently the ks file won't
> accept that.
> I've tried using <screen> and <programlisting> and futzed about with
> <![CDATA[ and so on, but the wrapping continues.

...may not be helpful, but I can tell that I'm used to rendering to
PDF as well as HTML, because my first reaction is that you're risking
running off the edge of the page by trying to suppress line wraps.... :)

How far in the linewrap happens will depend on context (are you in a
<para> or in a <orderedlist> <listitem> somewhere) and the XSL of your
Publican brand.

Typically, we're trying to deal with long lines by using explicit line 
wraps in the examples, for situations where that's accepted.  For 
instance, we'll use \ line continuation for long shell commands or 
statements.  I think that Kickstart directives may accept that too,
but I haven't tested that recently myself.

  -- Steve

Steven Bonneville <sbonn...@redhat.com>
Manager, Curriculum Development 
Red Hat | Red Hat Training                       Phone: +1-612-638-0507
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