On 10/03/2016 05:43 PM, Sean Myers wrote:
> Github's new review feature is supported by another new github feature,
> protected branches. If wanted to, we could combine the two ideas, and
> only push to protected branches if there is at least one approved review
> and no review with required changes outstanding.
> I think this could be used instead of the "LGTM" label, and can also help
> with the notion of "drive-by" reviews, since the UI gives you a clear
> distinction between comments that require changes to be made and comments
> that do not require changes to be made.
> For reference:
> https://help.github.com/articles/about-pull-request-reviews/
> Since we've already got support for protected branches, I propose we
> enable required reviews, and stop using the LGTM label.

This has been accepted as-described here, and is now in effect. Instead of
the "LGTM" label, and in addition to the other existing status checks such
as Jenkins/Travis results, pull requests are now approved for merge when
there is at least one "Approved" github review attached to that PR from a
Pulp team member.

I've created a task to track updating the docs accordingly, as well as
enabling github's protected branch review support:


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