@asmacdo, your points cause me to also think that all importer/publisher
update and delete operations should be tasks that use the tasking
reservations system. That will cause them to never run while a sync or
publish for instance is running. I'm interested in hearing more thoughts on
this from others.

A related question... are importers or publishers ever shared with multiple
repos in Pulp3?

On Mon, Apr 17, 2017 at 12:08 PM, Austin Macdonald <amacd...@redhat.com>

>  I think everyone seems to be leaning in the direction that update does
>> not [need to be a task].
> I am leaning that updates and deletes should be tasks for importers and
> publishers in order to get the full benefit of the reserved resource
> system. The most important point is that related work will be done in a
> predictable order.
>> Delete could be a little more challenging, because of the potential
>> desire for an importer or publisher to want to update attributes on it,
>> like the last time a sync succeeded. Maybe we can manage to avoid the need
>> for a plugin to write to its config, which also seems like a very
>> reasonable goal, but that again could be part of the plugin API discussion.
>> Although thinking about relationships that are likely to exist in the
>> database, having an importer or publisher disappear while a corresponding
>> task is running sounds like it could cause a lot of potential problems.
> Deletes are simplest if they aren't allowed to "cut in line". Then it is
> the user's responsibility to ask Pulp to do work in a reasonable order, and
> failures will be deterministic.
> Another scenario comes up because we removed overrides from our MVP. A
> workaround would be: Update to temp config, sync, update back to old
> config. If update and delete are synchronous, the user would have to
> monitor the state of the sync task, and could not issue the second update
> request until the sync task is complete (or at least started).
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