This week, i'm looking to do the following:

1) Move the pulp-packaging[0] repo under pulp
2) renaming of pulp_packaging[1] to pulp-ci

For 1 to take place, I'll need to work with someone who has access to the pulp 
organization on github to get this repo moved over. 

For 2 to take place, I'll need to audit jobs in pulp_packaging for items that 
clone this repo and ensure they point to the new location.  I will be issuing 
PR's for anythign that refers to this
location.  There are also some downstream changes that need to take place that 
should be coordinated.  Once everything is in place, i'll work with someone on 
renaming the repo in the github

Tool_belt[2] no longer needs to have a pulp-specific fork.  It has been 
accepted into theforman group as an official repo, and any pulp specific 
changes for assistance in release engineering will take
place there.

I will send out an e-mail to pulp-dev when these changes have been completed.



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