A special Pi Day community demo will be broadcast live via YouTube. The
tentative agenda is:

* sync rich dependencies, milan, Pulp2

* SUSE Errata support, bizhang, Pulp2

* Changes to our CI/Travis infrastructure (sqlite, docs job, pulp_smash
smoke tests for pulpcore and pulp_file), daviddavis, Pulp3

* Simpler install docs, bmbouter, Pulp3

* Multi-resource locking, daviddavis, Pulp3

* Sqlite as the default db, bmbouter, Pulp3

* Simplification of the pulp_file content API, daviddavis, Pulp3

When: March 14th at 2pm UTC
Where: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7etFmb94aY
Interact: Chat during the event on the watch page ^ or leave comments on
the page after

This video will be available on the Pulp YouTube Channel[0] after
recording. Consider following the Pulp YouTube channel where we post all
Pulp videos. Any feedback or suggestions are welcome.

[0]: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI43Ffs4VPDv7awXvvBJfRQ

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