I've been using pulplift to test the installer, and it works excellently.
The pulp3-sandbox-* boxes work great, but the pulp3-source-*installs are
broken. I filed an issue here:  https://pulp.plan.io/issues/4111

It would be great if all the vagrant stuff moved there since pulplift is
built on Vagrant. Any help on fixing the ansible installer source installs
or moving the Vagrant stuff to Pulplift is welcome.

On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 5:32 PM Kersom <ker...@redhat.com> wrote:

> I use VM`s to install Pulp. I would like to keep using them for testing
> purposes.
> I think that moving vagrant files to another repo as Pulplift is a good
> alternative.
> Besides that, being able to install from source or PyPI using the
> installer will avoid problems for testing as well. The installer could be
> used in our Travis-CI environment, for instance.
> On Mon, Oct 29, 2018 at 5:18 PM Brian Bouterse <bbout...@redhat.com>
> wrote:
>> @ehelms, thank you so much for sharing this work!
>> On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 10:11 PM Eric Helms <ehe...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> If this is better off as an issue in Redmine, please let me know but I
>>> was honestly not sure where to raise this kind of issue so mailing list it
>>> is to start.
>> This is a great place to start
>>> Background
>>> While playing around with the ansible-pulp3 repository I found myself
>>> wanting to run the scenarios to ensure that I had a basic grasp of the
>>> install flow and to ensure that any changes I made did not break existing
>>> scenarios. I found myself having to copy Vagrantfile's around for each
>>> scenario, including adding new ones based on other OSes (e.g. CentOS) until
>>> things got messy.
>> I agree with this problem statement.
>>> General Proposal
>>> Based on my experience, I am proposing to split the "installer" portion
>>> (e.g. all of the core Ansible) from the provisioning pieces (e.g. Vagrant)
>>> across two separate git repositories.
>>> Potential Solution for Proposal
>>> The above is a general proposal. What follows is a potential solution
>>> that I built out and used locally to get myself up to speed running and
>>> testing for multiple scenarios and OSes. In the Foreman community we built
>>> ourselves a simple little tool called Forklift that allows configuring
>>> Vagrant through yaml, and building custom boxes built based on previous box
>>> definitions. This has worked quite well for both creating production, test
>>> and development environments for many years. Given my experience I popped
>>> out a "Pulplift" using Forklift as a library to provide boxes for Fedora
>>> 27, 28 and CentOS 7 for source and sandbox installations. You can find the
>>> repo at [1] with some starting notes about what the repository can do in
>>> the README.
>> Pulplift looks like it offers a lot of value and it can be generically
>> combined w/ the installer so that is great. If we adopted it would the
>> Vagrant items be removed from the Ansible installer repo altogether? I
>> think that would be a good thing. I'm going to try to get through the
>> backlog of Ansible installer PRs before I ask you for any more PRs :) Thank
>> you again for those!
>> Anyone else please also try Pulplift and give feedback here.
>>> Whether Pulplift is adopted or not, I think there is a benefit to
>>> splitting per the general proposal. Further, this split will allow the
>>> installer bits to remain Ansible focused and the Vagrant bits to be seen as
>>> testing, and evaluation code.
>> +1 here
>>> Thanks for consideration,
>>> Eric
>>> [1] https://github.com/ehelms/pulplift
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