Pulp 2:


   Sat 6.6 publish performance issue bug(s) - investigating

      1770940 <https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1770940>

      1773601 <https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1773601>

Pulp 3:


   Blockers https://pulp.plan.io/projects/pulp_rpm/issues?query_id=139


         Increased batch-sizes has direct impact

            Configure per-plugin - maybe

            Increase default in pulpcore stages api

         Fabricio found one more source of memory problem (pulpcore)


         Publish has similar pattern for the performance problem

         Decrease worker-heartbeat writes to DB (~30% overhead?) (pulpcore)

            Might be an artifact of the sampling method. Would like to see
            verification from cProfile before we change anything.
Heartbeat is in a
            separate thread so if it’s waiting on IO, it doesn’t
really matter (dalley)
            - UpdateRecord was saved one by one and not in batches, PR is

      Model level validation

         Not sure full_clean is the correct solution

         ttereshc will check how much plugin is currently affected
         - Comps publish issue
         - root cause not found yet
         - dawalker to send email with the current state of things for
         someone to pick up or collaborate on


      Installer (libcomps)

         On sprint, needs to be picked up - mikedep333 will take care of it

         Current state - CentOS7 doesn’t install libcomps
         - Release
         - next RC when the code changes are ready
            - optimistically - tomorrow, realistically - next week

   - Open PRs:
      - https://github.com/pulp/pulp_rpm/pulls


Un-triaged bugs https://pulp.plan.io/projects/pulp_rpm/issues?query_id=30
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