On Fri, Jul 10, 2020 at 1:34 PM David Davis <davidda...@redhat.com> wrote:

> As creator of the cherry pick processor, I'd like to propose we ditch it.
> It requires a lot of upkeep which doesn't really save us time over just
> doing the cherry picks ourselves. Also, it often fails because it cannot
> make intelligent decisions when there are merge conflicts.
> Instead what I'd propose is that we do cherry picks at release time. We do
> z-releases infrequently and they are usually for a particular stakeholder
> so we usually know which issues the stakeholder needs and can cherry pick
> these changes ourselves before we do a release. We can also continue using
> the "Needs Cherry Pick" labels to help us remember issues we want to
> include in a z-release later on.
> Overall, I think disabling it is the best path forward but I'm also
> interested in any feedback people may have to improve the cherry pick
> processor.
I agree with you. Also if we do keep something like this we probably should
use one that is already made, e.g. gerritt.
https://www.gerritcodereview.com/ +1 to for now retiring it.

> David
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