## Nov 4, 2020

* pulp_migration support?
    * No plans to support the migration plugin
* User stories
    * Not really helpful ATM. Write them if you need them.
* Dealing with lint/checks
    * mypy and shellcheck are picky and require ramp up
    * Factor extra time into estimates
* What we have so far
    * Most pulp_file commands
        * No content commands
        * Lots of missing options (eg filters) and no help text
    * Exporters
    * Tasks
    * Artifacts
    * Orphan cleanup
* Stuff to do
    * Help text
    * Another plugin (rpm or container)
* Recordings
    * ggainey to demo creating a cli command from scratch
    * Possible mypy demo?
* Help text
    * Can we grab it from the schema?
    * david to file ticket (https://pulp.plan.io/issues/7787)

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