Consumer and server: Pulp 2.4.3, CentOS 6.5.  The consumers were upgraded 
in-place from 2.3.  The server is a fresh 2.4.3 install.

Hi guys,
I keep hitting this error that seems to be clogging up my pulp server and 
preventing consumers from communicating with the server.  This ERROR seems to 
complain about the same consumer (, so I've tried 
unregistering and reregistering that consumer from both the pulp server and 
consumer sides, as well as yum reinstalling pulp and gofer, but no luck.

I see some old 
about this, but no clear solution.  Sounds like an bug that was resolved in 
newer versions of qpidd (>0.24-ish) Any ideas, or troubleshooting tips?


Here is most of the traceback from /var/log/messages on the server:

Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:     value = method(self, 
*args, **kwargs)
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:   File 
 line 238, in POST
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:     consumer_id, repo_id, 
distributor_id, notify_agent, binding_config, options)
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp/server/tasks/", line 52, in 
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:     task = 
agent_manager.bind(consumer_id, repo_id, distributor_id, agent_options)
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp/server/managers/consumer/", line 
98, in bind
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
agent.consumer.bind(context, agent_bindings, options)
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pulp/server/agent/direct/", line 
140, in bind
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:     consumer.bind(bindings, 
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gofer/rmi/", line 72, in __call__
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:     return 
self.stub._send(request, opts)
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gofer/rmi/", line 142, in _send
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:     return 
self.__send(request, options)
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gofer/rmi/", line 173, in __send
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:     any=opts.any)
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gofer/rmi/", line 354, in send
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:     trigger()
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gofer/rmi/", line 468, in __call__
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:     self.__send()
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gofer/rmi/", line 450, in __send
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/gofer/transport/qpid/", line 156, in 
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:     sender = 
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:   File "<string>", line 6, 
in sender
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/qpid/messaging/", line 606, in 
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:     sender._ewait(lambda: 
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/qpid/messaging/", line 814, in 
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:     result = 
self.session._ewait(lambda: self.error or predicate(), timeout)
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/qpid/messaging/", line 580, in 
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:     result = 
self.connection._ewait(lambda: self.error or predicate(), timeout)
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/qpid/messaging/", line 219, in 
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:     self.check_error()
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/qpid/messaging/", line 212, in 
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR:     raise e
Nov 13 15:11:45 pulp-srv-01 pulp: 
pulp.server.webservices.middleware.exception:ERROR: ConnectionError: Enqueue 
capacity threshold exceeded on queue "". 


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