Turns out the issue was on my end. I had to add aws_default_acl: None to the 
pulp_settings section of the playbook. The public-read ACL was incompatible 
with the BlockPublicAccess settings that I had set on my S3 bucket. ?

I'm now encountering a different issue, but I'll start another thread for that 

Thanks for the pointers, they were very helpful!

Joey Dumont

Technical Advisor, Knowledge, Information, and Technology Services
National Research Council Canada / Governement of Canada
joey.dum...@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca<mailto:joey.dum...@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca> / Tel: 
613-990-8152 / Cell: 438-340-7436

Conseiller technique, Services du savoir, de l'information et de la technologie
Conseil national de recherches Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
joey.dum...@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca<mailto:joey.dum...@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca> / Tél.: 
613-990-8152 / Tél. cell.: 438-340-7436
From: David Davis <davidda...@redhat.com>
Sent: 01 November 2019 15:51
To: Dumont, Joey
Cc: pulp-list@redhat.com
Subject: Re: [Pulp-list] Issues with using S3 storage when running pulp on 
Amazon EC2 (pulp3)

Unfortunately I don't know of a good way to debug the problem other than to dig 
into the code. If you want to debug from the Pulp code, you could stick a 
debugger in the artifact saver stage:


What I would probably do though is stick a debug statement here in 
django-storages to see what params it's passing to boto3:


You can see the location of django-storages with `pip show django-storages`.

Sorry I don't have a better answer for you. Perhaps this is something we can 
improve in the future. Also, I'd be curious as to what the issue is as it 
sounds like everything should work in theory.


On Fri, Nov 1, 2019 at 2:26 PM Dumont, Joey 
<joey.dum...@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca<mailto:joey.dum...@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca>> wrote:

I've installed the latest pulp3 using the Ansible installer using the following 

- hosts: mirrors
      - django-storages
      - boto3
    pulp_use_system_wide_pkgs: True
    pulp_default_admin_password: !vault |
      secret_key: !vault |
      default_file_storage: 'storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage'
      aws_storage_bucket_name: 'xxx-pulp-storage'
      aws_s3_region_name: 'ca-central-1'
      aws_s3_addressing_style: "path"
      media_root: '/pulp3/'
      pulp-file: {}
        prereq_role: "pulp.pulp_rpm_prerequisites"
        #      pulp-docker: {}
    - pulp-database
    - pulp-workers
    - pulp-resource-manager
    - pulp-webserver
    - pulp-content
    DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE: pulpcore.app.settings

I also set up an RPM repo that uses S3 for storage. However, when I try to 
sync, I get an AccessDenied error. I know the instance profile is correct, as I 
can upload objects from that instance using both the AWS CLI and Boto3 without 
specifying credentials.

How can I debug this further? Is there a way for me know what parameters are 
passed to the put_object boto3 call by the sync task?


Joey Dumont

Technical Advisor, Knowledge, Information, and Technology Services
National Research Council Canada / Governement of Canada
joey.dum...@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca<mailto:joey.dum...@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca> / Tel: 
613-990-8152 / Cell: 438-340-7436

Conseiller technique, Services du savoir, de l'information et de la technologie
Conseil national de recherches Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
joey.dum...@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca<mailto:joey.dum...@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca> / Tél.: 
613-990-8152 / Tél. cell.: 438-340-7436
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