Kevin Williams wrote:
> I have installed pulseaudio from the cvs repo and have configure the PA 
> daemon 
> to run as a system wide instance. To ensure all the apps work without needing 
> to configure each of them individually, I have set the pulseaudio as the 
> default ALSA plugin in /etc/asound.conf following the guide "Perfect Setup". 

I'm not 100% sure but with 0.9.7 pa I don't think there are many reasons
to run PA system wide any more. User switching is supported so that
switching from one user to another work pretty well (tho' I have to
admit I've not personally tested this!)

> PA lauches without any problems. But, the problem shows up when I launch any 
> of the multimedia apps. Sometimes, I see a message which says "Audio device 
> not available. May be it is in use by another application". I'm pretty sure, 
> there're no other apps at that same time yet, I receive those messages, don't 
> know why !??

Are the users in the relevant group for accessing pulse? IIRC the
default is "pulse-access"


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