Yeah, that would work. I wonder what the processing loads would be? I assume that the sync has to be maintained on all outputs for all streams, independent of muting state. It also may not scale should I want to add more zones, but that's a while off. No better way to know than to try it.

I'll let you know what I find.

Thanks for the suggestions, I really appreciate it!


Tanu Kaskinen wrote:
On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 08:27:39AM -0800, Matt Patterson wrote:
I thought about this route, but the issue is I don't want interruptions in the rooms already listening to music. Maybe if feed all four input sources into split out sinks (splitting each input into 4 null-sink outputs in the end), I could then attach the final sound card outputs on demand without interruption to the other rooms listening... I'm not quite sure how the layout would work.

You may be on to something here! Let me look at this and do some investigation.

Fun little exercise! Maybe you already solved it yourself,
but if not, here's a spoiler:

Create one tunnel sink per machine. Create one combined sink
per stream, each using all four tunnels.

Now each combined sink has four streams, each going to one
tunnel. That means 16 streams (plus the 4 mpd streams). By
muting these 16 streams as needed you have full control over
what goes where, without any drop-outs.

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