On 02/18/11 07:41, pl bossart wrote:
First of all I patched pulseaudio git with some updates to treat
hdmi-passthrough as it does iec958-passthrough.  That seems to work.  I can
use paplay to pass a dts-wav file through to the receiver and the receiver
triggers into dts mode and plays it.  A native dts file stripped from and
mkv movie file on the other hand doesn't play.

I made some minor changes to the Xbmc pulseaudio driver so that it does not
ignore passthrough requests.  Xbmc's pulseaudio driver assumes (without
patching) that passthrough is not available for pulseaudio.  Now I can
select the pulseaudio passthrough device.  Xbmc has code in it to manipulate
dts streams.

The problem is that I can start a movie, Xbmc will select the dts track and
play, but the receiver doesn't go into dts mode, but instead just buzzes the
Did you actually add the PASSTHROUGH flag when you create the pa_stream?
When the receiver doesn't lock it's typically when the data was
modified by the volume control.
Another possibility is mismatch between frequencies. Make sure the
sink and the stream sampling frequencies match.

Yeah, I added the passthrough flag. The code dealing with volume control has a conditonal around it to ignore requests when using passthrough. I'll look a bit more a sample frequencies. I did change the default pulse frequency to 48000 in daemon.conf, not sure if that was necessary or not.

Note that we are completely reworking this part, you may want to wait
1-2 months before the feature becomes more stable.
Yeah, I know. But I need it now! hehe, I've got quite a few blue-rays that have been put into mkv's and I just bought a very nice surround sound system.

Actually I though working on it now would be beneficial both for pulse and xbmc. Xbmc should be able to rock out as soon as pulse is official. I might uncover something useful to pulse while hacking xbmc.

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