#759: pa_stream_writable_size() failed
  Reporter:  Paul D  |       Owner:  lennart                 
      Type:  defect  |      Status:  new                     
 Milestone:          |   Component:  daemon                  
Resolution:          |    Keywords:  pa_stream_writeable_size

Comment(by Paul D):

 I am likely misinformed, however I read on some linux forums that Pulse
 Audio was created to allow audio over networking or Bluetooth. If this is
 true, then since I use neither of those things, why do I need Pulse Audio
 in the picture? At this point it would seem it (PA) is possibly causing me
 the issue I am having. Is it even reasonable for me to assume I can remove
 PA from my install?
 That would be another data-point in the trouble-shooting of this issue. If
 the problem goes away, then we know the problem was in PA?

Ticket URL: <http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/759#comment:4>
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