Issue #9007 has been updated by Ken Barber.

Status changed from Needs More Information to Needs Decision
Assignee deleted (Ken Barber)

So the current methodology kicking around is kwalify:


Or validate_* functions in stdlib:


Either of these are good choices. Kwalify is my preferred 'declarative' 
methodology, but it was discussed in that thread Nigel mentioned that such 
methodology belongs in incubation. Try either of these two methods and maybe 
let us know on the puppet-users or puppet-dev how you go. I think until we get 
enough push for this outside of core, there is little point adding anything in 
core to handle it atm.

But happy to leave this ticket open if everyone else is, to discuss the 
possible future of such features in core.
Feature #9007: Construct for specifying parameter validity in paramterized 
classes in puppet language

Author: Joe McDonagh
Status: Needs Decision
Priority: Low
Category: parameterized classes
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 
Keywords: parameters classes parameterized

Currently, I'm doing this inside my parameterized classes:

class mysql (
    $ensure         = "present",
    $server_type    = "stock"
) {
    if ($ensure != "present" and $ensure != "absent") {
        fail "The mysql class only supports 'present' and 'absent' for ensure 

    if ($server_type != "stock" and $server_type != "puppet" and $server_type 
!= "atlassian") {
        fail "The mysql class only supports 'stock', 'puppet', and 'atlassian' 
as server types as of now."

It would be nice if there some construct to specify valid parameters. I assume 
this is pretty easy to do in the Ruby DSL, but I think it'd be valuable to be 
able to do this and look nice in pure puppet.

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