Issue #15496 has been updated by eric sorenson.

We implement yaml with zaml, and which incorrectly handles fractional negative 
tz offsets:

375 class Time
376   def to_zaml(z)
377     # 2008-12-06 10:06:51.373758 -07:00
378     ms = ("%0.6f" % (usec * 1e-6))[2..-1]
379     offset = "%+0.2i:%0.2i" % [utc_offset / 3600, (utc_offset / 60) % 60]
380     z.emit(self.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.#{ms} #{offset}"))
381   end
382 end

eric@glitch.local .../puppet/spec/unit/provider/package]% export 
[eric@glitch.local .../puppet/spec/unit/provider/package]% irb
irb(main):001:0> a =
=> -16200
irb(main):003:0> (a / 3600)
=> -5


Ruby is "helpfully" rounding down since the hours offset ends up with a 
remainder. If we coerce that result to a float it shows the actual result:

irb(main):004:0> (a / 3600.0)
=> -4.5

And then the printf formatting works properly:

irb(main):005:0> "%+0.2i" % (a / 3600.0)                                        
=> "-04"

So this diff fixes the problem:
-    offset = "%+0.2i:%0.2i" % [utc_offset / 3600, (utc_offset / 60) % 60]
+    offset = "%+0.2i:%0.2i" % [utc_offset / 3600.0, (utc_offset / 60) % 60]

I have a branch up here if you want to try it out:

Andy asked for tests so I'll write some and turn it into a pull request after 
Bug #15496: Puppet incorrectly determining offset for certain timezones

Author: Ken Johnson
Status: Needs More Information
Priority: Normal
Assignee: eric sorenson
Target version: 
Affected Puppet version: 

One of our customers reports this:

"I believe I have just discovered a bug in PE's timezone handling that seems to 
impact at least reporting, but may be more widespread.

We have a few systems in our environment that have their timezone set to "VET" 
- Venezuela Standard Time.  The offset for VET is -04:30 all year round (no DST 

If you run date -R and date -Ru on the systems it shows the correct time offset:
# date -R ; date -uR
Thu, 12 Jul 2012 11:45:30 -0430
Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:15:30 +0000

However, I noticed that this group of systems was always listed first on the PE 
console and, more than that, their report time is always in the future.  I have 
tried the PE console at both UTC and adjusted to display in US/Eastern.  Doing 
some more digging, it appears that the problem is client-side during the Puppet 
report generation.  If you look at the 
/var/opt/lib/pe-puppet/state/last_run_report.yaml file the offset reported is 

    - !ruby/object:Puppet::Util::Log
      level: !ruby/sym notice
      message: Finished catalog run in 0.07 seconds
      source: Puppet
        - notice
      time: 2012-07-12 11:29:43.143028 -05:30

If Puppet (or Ruby) is determining the offset is incorrectly -05:30 instead of 
-04:30 I believe that this would account for the difference.

The PE Console shows the run occuring at 16:59 UTC.  However, /var/log/messages 
on the client concurs that the Puppet agent run ran at 11:29 local time (VET), 
which is the reported -5:30 offset, not the expected -4:30 offset.

I am seeing the correct behavior for more common timezones such as US/Eastern, 
US/Pacific, etc. At the moment this appears limited only to systems in VET.

The client systems in question are running PE 2.5.1 on RHEL 5.7, 64-bit.


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