On Mar 17, 2010, at 1:51 AM, David Schmitt wrote:

On 3/17/2010 5:25 AM, Dan Bode wrote:
Hi All,

I have been working on a type/provider for sudoers and would appreciate
any feedback.

It can be found at:


There are some slight limitations documented in the README.

Plenty of examples in the tests directory to get people started.

It's a pretty interesting example of how to push the boundaries of

I anxiously await your criticisms :)

uuuh, shiny :-)

* It'd probably be nice to build the default file from resources in an optional class instead of shipping a default that has to be overridden and cannot be cleaned by the type (it has continuation lines).

* Overloading the type with the three different types of records confuses me. Perhaps defines for each of the three types could improve the situation?

* I'm sure you could improve on the design of the "Puppet NAMEVAR" stuff on users entries. I guess the problem there is that the "meat" of the sudoers file are (user, command) tuples which can be either specified from the command side (by a module) or the user side (by the site configuration). What about the following structure:

| # site configuration
| sudo_user_alias { 'sw_managers': users => [ 'dan', 'dave' ]; }
| # rpm module
| sudo_cmd_alias { 'SOFTWARE': commands => [ '/bin/rpm', ... ]; }
| sudo_permission { 'SOFTWARE': users => [ 'sw_managers' ]; }

Note that this is essentially not possible using the existing parsedfile base class, which is what Dan built this on.

Dan knew there were quite a few limitations in this version, but we figured we'd ship with this and see how it went, and only if necessary build a new back-end for it.

I agree with your basic point, though.

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a
religious conviction. --Blaise Pascal
Luke Kanies  -|-   http://reductivelabs.com   -|-   +1(615)594-8199

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