On 30 April 2010 14:32, David Schmitt <da...@dasz.at> wrote:

> On 4/30/2010 10:45 AM, James Turnbull wrote:

> The following piece has a hole that triggers a spec fail on windows.
> Shell-builtins are not checked although they would work when executed. I've
> investigated a bit and the problem is, that ruby's %x{} under linux returns
> "" instead of failing, when the command cannot be executed. Ruby on Windows
> does this differently and raises Errno::ENOENT.
> I tried to exploit this and produced an alternative version of this patch
> at http://github.com/DavidS/facter/commits/ticket/master/3393 which passes
> all specs.

I'm just going through the patch queue and this causes failing specs and all
exec based facts to fail on OS X. I'm going to investigate further.


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